Heartwarming Prayer Before Surgery for A Child

Prayer Before Surgery for A Child: A prayer before surgery for a child affirms the goodness of God. No matter how children are suffering, it’s important to affirm their worth as beloved creations of God. Here is a treasured and heartwarming prayer that you can say for a child who’s about to undergo surgery.

Prayer Before Surgery for A Child

  • Dear God, As you know my family is needing your help right now. (son or daughter) has an illness that needs to be treated. The doctor says that surgery is the only thing that will help him/her get better. We are asking that you please help our son/daughter get better so we can be a family again and everything can go back to normal. We love you God, and I trust in you!


  • Dear Lord, please watch over my baby while he has surgery. Please make the doctors do a good job and help keep him safe. Please keep the doctors safe too. Amen.


  • God, I ask that you bring my friend peace and comfort. May he be healed of his affliction and live a long life full of love. Please watch over him and protect him during this time. God, I love him. Please protect him through the surgery.


  • Dear God, I am praying for my daughter tonight before her surgery. I pray for a successful procedure and a quick recovery. If you grant this prayer that all goes well. Thank you for helping her tonight. In Jesus’ favor, I pray amen.


  • I pray to God that the doctors make you better soon. I hope they won’t have to hurt you. I love you!


  • Please, God, be with my friend. Give him strength and courage. Guide the surgeons’ hands. I know that difficulty is a teacher, but please make this one’s lesson short and lesson learned. Teaches him to listen more carefully in English class. Please be with his family during this time of sorrow. Let them feel your peace, not their pain. Please let him recover quickly so he can get back on the field this season.


  • Little Alice, I ask that you be strong through this hard time, and let your faith lead you. Father, please guide the doctors and nurses in their work. Please keep all other children safe from harm and watch over them as well.


  • God, please protect me from everything that could happen. I know You will watch over me and keep me safe. I love You, that is all I need to say.


  • God, please watch over my child as he is having surgery today. Give him courage and strength to endure this time of need. Bless his doctors, nurses, and helpers. Comfort him and all those involved in attending to his care. Heal him, and restore his health body, mind, and spirit. And I pray that you instill in all of us here today the faith, hope, and love we will need to provide for my son during this difficult time. In your name, I pray. Amen.”


  • Dear God, Please watch over my child during the surgery today and help him/her get well soon. Thank you for your love and protection. Thank You!


  • Dear God, please watch over (name) while they are in surgery today. Please help the doctors to do their job well, and keep the operation safe. Help them to have patience and the right attitude. Thank you for watching over (name) every day and night.


  • Dear God, please watch over my son. He is very scared and feels alone. Please comfort him during this ordeal, give him strength and let him know that we are all here waiting for him to return home. Thank you for your kindness and protection, I will never stop giving thanks.


  • Dear God, please take care of my father (who is the most awesome dad in the world) and keep him safe. Please let everything go well. Thank you so much for taking care of him. Please help him heal and make a fast recovery. Amen!


  • I pray to God that you will be ok and he will take care of you. I love you with all my heart, I don’t want to lose you.


  • God, please be with [child] today. Please bring love and light into his heart. Let the surgeons take care of [child], we pray that you will make the operation easier to endure. Thank you God for all that you have done, and thank you God for what you are going to do. We love you and we will see you again soon in your heavenly abode!


  • Dear God, we are so grateful for all that you have given us. We ask that you keep our child safe during surgery tomorrow. Please let the doctors do their jobs well, and give them the strength to do so safely. The procedure may be scary for our child and we ask that you will protect him/her as they go under. As always, please look over your hands while they work, giving them the knowledge and strength to perform this procedure successfully.


  • Dear Lord, thank you for this day. Please keep little Johnny safe while he has his operation. Guide the doctors and nurses to do what is right and please watch over little John during surgery. Watch over his mom and dad too so they do well in this time of trouble. Thank you for all that you have done and I pray that you continue to guide us throughout our lives.


  • Dear God, please watch over my little cousin Allyson as she goes into surgery. Please help the doctors and nurses to do a good job and feel safe. Please let them put a smile back on her face! Amen.


  • Dear Lord, please help me do well on my surgery to take ear tubes out. Help me not to be scared. I’m only a little girl who doesn’t want to have to go through this. I know God will hear my prayers, so thank you in advance.


  • Dear God, please watch over my daughter. Please help the doctors to do everything right. Please make her feel no pain and let her heal quickly. Please give me the patience I need to deal with this situation. Help her to recover quickly and I will love you the rest of my life.


  • Dear God, We come to you in the midst of chaos, pain, and fear. Please help me. Please give me the strength to be brave for my child. Open my heart and mind to your divine guidance and may I know your presence through this whole ordeal.


  • God, if you are real and are up there somewhere, please help this to be a good day. Give my uncle strength and courage as he goes into surgery. This child means so much to me, I can’t even put into words what this would mean to me.


  • I’m happy you are my mother. I love that you are a strong and powerful woman. I love your smile and the way your eyes shine. I pray that you have a good surgery! Your little helpers say a prayer for you!


  • Dear God, we come before you this day to ask for Your wisdom and guidance through this ordeal. Please bless those who will be assisting our child with the surgery and those who have gone on before. May they rest in peace knowing they are forever in our eternal thoughts and prayers. Heal our child as only you can. We thank you for it all. In your name, we pray. Amen.


  • Dear Lord, I’m sending this prayer up for my child, who is going to have to have surgery.


  • Dear God, Thank you for giving me, my son. Thank you for giving him such a wonderful heart. We come to you because we need your help. Please watch over him and protect him. Help him make it through this very difficult surgery. Help us pray through this very scary time in our life, knowing that you are by our side and your love never fails. In your name, we pray, amen.


  • I came to you, God because my heart is torn. My baby is going to have surgery tomorrow and I need help knitting my faith back together. I worry because I know it will be painful, and I’ll be helpless while they cut her open. Lord, help me please. Show me where the strength comes from to go through this in one piece. Give me peace that passes all understanding, so that nothing can disturb the love in our hearts for each other.


  • Dear God, please help my dad get better soon and make this operation a success. He is the best father a girl could have. I love him so much that it hurts at times. I know that God hears all prayers, but I am asking you to put in extra work on this one. Thank you!


  • Jesus, I need you to heal my friend before surgery. Please take care of him while he is in the hospital and give the doctors wisdom and knowledge to perform the best surgery they can. I’m nervous and feel so helpless right now. Oh Lord, please help!


  • Dear Lord, I lay myself down to you now and ask you to heal my son. I thank you for this precious child. Strengthen him. This is a time of great sorrow and stress in our home. Comfort us knowing that our son will be alright. Jesus, we pray you will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. Help us to trust you more and have faith as our heavenly father has placed this child in our care. Amen.


  • Dear Lord, we come to you today asking that you keep the hands of those who will be helping our children while they are under the knife. Please give these doctors wisdom, strength, and courage to help him/her get through this. We thank you for your love, mercy, and forgiveness. Amen.


  • Dear God, please let this surgery go well. If you can give us strength, please do. All we ask is that you help our son. We love him very much and we know you’ve already given him a strong will to fight this disease. Let him win this battle against cancer! In your name, Amen!


  • Dear God, please help my mommy and daddy to be there when I wake up from surgery. They have to work, so please let them work safely so they can come and see me as fast as you can! In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen!


  • Dear God, please take care of this little baby. There are so many people in his life who love him and would do anything to be able to hold him once again. This little boy may not know it now, but someday he will drive a car and go out with friends and tell you about it. Stay with him as he heals and protect him from harm. Watch over him through surgery today and protect him from pain.


  • I was praying that you would be healed, and the Lord told me to tell you He is working on it right now. I promise to still love you even if it’s cancer. I want to pray for you that God will make your operation go smooth and not bad.


  • Thank you, God, for this wonderful little angel! He has helped make life so much better and has brought me so much, love. He is destined to be great one day, I just know it. And I thank you for all that he brings to my life.


  • Dear God, I pray that my letter reaches you and is delivered in a swift manner. Father, I say these words to you in the name of Jesus. You are my God and King. Thank you for all you do in our lives every day. Please hear my prayers.


  • Dear God, I come to you today for prayers for my child. His surgery is tomorrow and we are coming before you to ask that everyone goes as planned and no complications arise. We ask you to heal him 100% and make him new again. We pray for a nice and calm surgery that will go well with no issues. Please keep the doctors in your hands and let this all go smoothly without any problems.


  • Dear Lord, I humbly ask for your guidance and protection over my child. Please watch over him and give him the strength to get through this surgery. Thank you for coming into his life and blessing him with the gift of health. Please bless all those who are assisting in his care today, guide their hands as they perform the procedure. Thank you for strengthening him so that he is able to recover from this surgery quickly. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen!


  • Dear Lord: Please watch over my child during surgery. I pray for your strength and guidance. Guide the doctors’ hands and hearts. Thank you for sparing my child’s life and for the healing of his body. In your name, Amen.


  • Lord, help my daughter get through this surgery safely. May the doctors know what to do and help her to get better. Amen.


  • Dear Lord, please keep me safe and bring me back to my family and friends. I’m a little nervous about this whole procedure and all the things that could go wrong. I’ve heard many stories of others who have gone through it, so please don’t let anything happen to me. I have a lot of people praying for my safety, and I’m sure you can do even better. Thank you for all your blessings! Amen.


  • Dear Lord, I am so scared right now! I’m sitting here in this hospital bed with scary needles attached to me and cold hard objects moving around inside my head (which feels really weird to say). Anyways, I know that you are here with me right now and I want you to take care of me. Alright, well I just wanted to let you know that I love you, remember that.


  • Dear God, please help me to get through the next few days. I know I can do it with your strength. I know you will always be there to guide me and support me in times of need. Thank you for helping me continue on my life’s journey towards my goal, thank you for all the friends I have made along the way, and thank you for bringing my brother Ian into my life. Thanks for giving him back to me and protecting my family again.


  • Dear God, We would like to thank you for the life of our son/daughter and ask that you be with him/her all through this operation. Guide the hand of the doctor so that he may carry out all the instructions properly. May she be protected by your divine angels all through her surgery. And when everything is right again may she be healthy and fine.


  • Please, God. Let my son’s surgery go well and that he will be pain-free and healthy again. Please, please let the doctors know what they are doing and that it all goes well. We love our son very much and really need a miracle. Please heal him, God!


  • Dear God, watch over my little brother tonight while he has surgery. Bless him with a speedy recovery and protect him from all pain. You will always be in our hearts and we will always love you.


  • Dear God, I pray before you all the time, but today I am going to ask for something in particular. Please let my little son, Isaac, get through this surgery completely healthy and fine. Please, watch over him and surround him with your loving arms. Help the doctors do their job right and fix his broken bone. Thank you in advance for all your love, help, and support!


  • God, please watch over my son during his surgery today, and please bring him back to us safe and sound. Let us know that he is alright. Please keep his heart beating, his blood pumping, and his brain functioning. You have made him for a purpose, that purpose is to glorify you. May his life continue to point people to you. When this surgery is over, bring him back breathing and singing your praises. We love you!


  • Dear God, Please help my dear friend in her recovery from heart surgery. Please govern her doctors and nurses, and bless her with a speedy recovery. Let her be heard from soon; And please protect her from any fear and anxiety that may occur while she gets better. Thank you for healing her, please hear our prayers!


  • Dear God, Thank you so much for blessing me with my family. Thank you, God, for watching over us and keeping us safe every day. Please bless Jake with a full recovery and help him get better fast. And if it’s your will God, please heal him completely and make him better than ever. I love you, God, thank you for everything!


  • Dear Lord, please heal A.C. from his illness and bring him the strength to make it through this time in our lives so that he may return home healthy. Let your light shine upon him and keep his mind at ease during this trying time. In Christ’s name, I pray. Amen.


  • Dear Lord, please heal my child and keep him safe. Please give him strength and courage. Please bring peace to all the family members who are waiting in worry. Please guide the doctors’ hands.


  • God, my child is going in for surgery right now and I need your help. Guide his doctors during this operation and protect him. Heal him quickly and completely. Guide the surgeons’ hands as they operate. I know that we can get through this and together we can pray and make it better. Thank you, Lord!


  • Please watch over my son as he goes in for his surgery tomorrow. He’s never been through one before and I’m afraid. Please protect him and keep him safe, we love him so much. Thank you for always being there!


  • Dear God, Please help my aunt get through the surgery tomorrow. Please keep everyone safe that’s helping with the procedure and I pray that everything goes well. In your name, I pray, Amen.


  • Dear God, I pray for my best friend. He is having surgery on his ____ today. Help the doctors do a good job. Keep him safe and help his family through this. Thank you, God. This is in your honor amen.


  • God, please heal our son/daughter. Please give him/her the strength to overcome this difficult time. Please forgive him/her for any wrongdoings he/she may have committed in their lifetime. Please give us the strength to get through this difficult time. We love you, thank you for listening to us and caring about our beautiful child.


  • Dear God, I’m scared. Please don’t let my mommy die. Please keep her here with me because she is all that I have so I need her if you could please make her well again. Thank you.


  • Dear God, please make me well again. I promise to listen to my parents, be good at school, quit lying and stealing, and eat my vegetables. Please make me better fast so I can play with my brother and sister again. Thank you for all you do!

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